Collaboration creates Magic in the Classroom

Give your teachers a mobile device and BiJie wireless display and watch magic happen in the classroom. 21st-century learning is all about  wireless collaboration, personalization, and team-based projects. Not surprising, these same attributes are also reflected in the work culture of the most successful companies around the world. Yet many Read more…

Tips for Safe Classroom Collaboration

Creative Tips for Safe Classroom Collaboration One of the most important aspects of learning is collaborating. When students work together, they are able to see new perspectives and share knowledge. This has become increasingly challenging in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. As an immediate response to the need for Read more…

BiJie smart meeting room solution

Don’t bother erasing. Just keep working. SMART Meeting Pro lets teams capture ideas in the virtually unlimited interactive workspace. The Unbound Workspace expands as colleagues add images, files, links and notes – even over multiple displays and meetings – for enhanced collaboration. BiJie enterprise meeting room wireless display solution is Read more…

Research into why active learning works

Definition of active learning Active learning is any learning activity in which the student participates or interacts with the learning process, as opposed to passively taking in the information. Research into why active learning works According to a study into learning-centered approaches to education, students learn more when they participate in Read more…

Center for teaching

What is an active learning classroom? ALCs feature “round or curved tables with moveable seating that allow students to face each other and thus support small-group work. The tables are often paired with their own whiteboards for brainstorming and diagramming” (Baepler, et al., 2016). Some ALCs also feature multiple  wireless Read more…

Teaching in an Active Learning Classroom

Active learning classrooms (ALCs) are student-centered, technology-rich classrooms. They are easily identified with their large student tables and moveable seating designed to facilitate and promote active learning. Typically, each table is accompanied by a whiteboard and flat screen monitor to display student work. ALCs also have a teaching station that Read more…

What are the benefits of active learning

What are the benefits of active learning? Active learning helps students to become ‘lifelong learners’ In an active learning approach, learning is not only about the content, but is also about the process. Active learning develops students’ autonomy and their ability to learn. Active learning gives students greater involvement and Read more…

Teaching Innovation-active learning

Active learning strategies ask students to fully participate in their learning by thinking, discussing, investigating, and creating. In active learning classrooms, students may be asked to practice skills, solve problems, struggle with complex questions, propose solutions, and explain ideas in their own words through writing and discussion. Research indicates that Read more…