What are the benefits of active learning

What are the benefits of active learning? Active learning helps students to become ‘lifelong learners’ In an active learning approach, learning is not only about the content, but is also about the process. Active learning develops students’ autonomy and their ability to learn. Active learning gives students greater involvement and Read more…

Teaching Innovation-active learning

Active learning strategies ask students to fully participate in their learning by thinking, discussing, investigating, and creating. In active learning classrooms, students may be asked to practice skills, solve problems, struggle with complex questions, propose solutions, and explain ideas in their own words through writing and discussion. Research indicates that Read more…

Nature of active learning

Active learning is “a method of learning in which students are actively or experientially involved in the learning process and where there are different levels of active learning, depending on student involvement.” (Bonwell & Eison 1991) Bonwell & Eison (1991) states that “students participate [in active learning] when they are Read more…

Active Learning in the Smart Classroom

The multi-screen interactive solution for education in the field launched by Bijie Networks fully considers the demands of teachers and students in protocol support and functional design, and is compatible with Airplay, Miracast, WiDi, ChromeCast and BJCast (self-developed) projection protocols. Teachers And students can quickly cast the screen of a Read more…

Active Learning for Classrooms

The wireless display solution of BiJie smart classroom is based on BYOD interactive teaching application scene, which realizes the wireless display and screen sharing of mobile phones and computers, so that teachers and students can more flexibly and conveniently conduct the wireless display demonstration of courseware and teaching content, making Read more…

High-Tech Gadgets Make Classrooms Smarter

“Technology is a driving force in education, opening up many doors and preparing students for what lies ahead, not behind,” said Kirsty Kelly, Primary Years Program Coordinator at the Canadian International School in Singapore. “It allows for greater differentiation, individualized learning, real world integration, and varied assessments.” Today’s schools are Read more…

Why are Smart Classrooms needed

Why are Smart Classrooms needed? Today smart classrooms have become the need of the time due to their salient features like: Collaborative Learning: Certain technology-powered products are used in smart classrooms in collaboration with traditional classroom courses to make them easy to understand for the children. The interactive display can Read more…

Active, collaborative learning environments

By embracing the digital age, educators are creating more active, collaborative learning environments to prepare the next generation of innovators. For years educators have known the power of interactivity in learning, yet were restricted to the traditional teacher-led classroom model by the tools at hand—the chalkboard and overhead projector. Today Read more…

Are ‘Smart’ Classrooms the Future

“Smart” products have infiltrated the market with the intention to make our lives easier — at home, in the workplace, everywhere. Setting aside the recognizable challenges of deploying these technologies on the enterprise scale in higher education, our team is beginning to ask, “How we can make better use of Read more…