Bijie screen casting – distinguishing screen casting methods between internal employees and external visitors

In the enterprise network environment, distinguishing screen mirroring between internal employees and external visitors can indeed improve security. Here are some suggestions to achieve this distinction:

  1. By using the Bijie Enterprise Micro Edition wireless screen projector, internal employees can directly use Enterprise WeChat for screen projection, while external visitors can use a screen projection transmitter for screen projection, which is plug and play, convenient, fast, and safe.
  2. Identity authentication and authorization: Enterprises should verify the identity of their internal employees and grant different access permissions based on their roles and responsibilities. For external visitors, their access rights should be restricted or authentication should be required when necessary.
  3. Monitoring and Logging: Enterprises should implement monitoring and logging mechanisms to detect and record the behavior of internal employees and external visitors. These records not only help track and identify potential threats, but may also serve as judicial evidence.
  4. Security education and training: Regularly provide security education and training to internal employees, teaching them how to identify potential security threats and understand how to avoid and respond to these threats. This not only enhances the safety awareness of employees, but also enhances the safety culture of the entire enterprise.
  5. Vulnerability scanning and security assessment: Use vulnerability scanning and security assessment tools to identify network vulnerabilities and weaknesses, and take necessary measures to fix them. This helps prevent external attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities to enter the network.
  6. Screen casting equipment control: For screen casting equipment, some control strategies can be formulated, such as allowing only specific internal employees to use, or restricting the use time and permissions.
  7. Data encryption and permission control: For the data involved in screen mirroring, encryption processing should be carried out and the access permissions of the data should be strictly controlled. Only people with corresponding permissions can access this data.
  8. Audit and monitoring: Audit and monitor the usage of screen projection equipment to ensure that all operations are safe and comply with the company’s security policies.

Through the above measures, enterprises can effectively improve network security, prevent internal data leakage and external attacks while ensuring normal screen projection needs.