
Miracast provides a method for sharing video from or to your Windows 10 computer. This guide will help you determine if your Windows 10 computer supports the Miracast protocol.
Windows 10

Miracast is a WiFi Standard

A simple way to understand Miracast is “HDMI over WiFi”. What that means is, rather than connecting a physical HDMI cable from your computer to another device, you use WiFi to do so.

Also, rather than going through your router or home network, the signal travels directly. For example, if you use Miracast to show your Windows 10 laptop on your television, your laptop connects directly to your television, with no network, or other devices, between.

Windows 10 Miracast Options

Windows 10 supports Miracast from a software perspective. Meaning, it has all the abilities for Miracast built-in, and it does not require further software.

However, the specific hardware inside your computer must also support the Miracast standard. This includes a WiFi adapter and driver that offers the ability, and a video card and driver that also supports using Miracast.

Check Miracast Support

There are three ways to check if your computer supports Miracast:

  • Try To Cast
    • While not 100% accurate, it can be a quick, easy way to see if there’s any casting support on your system.
  • Checking Display Settings
    • Again, not perfectly accurate, but if key combinations are difficult, some may find this method easier.
  • Check Using DxDiag
    • DxDiag is a utility to get very precise information about your system and it’s capabilities. This gives a definitive answer when it comes to Miracast support on your system. Though a little more difficult to access, this guide will take you through it step-by-step.
Check Quickly by Attempting to Cast
  1. Press the Windows key and P key on your keyboard at the same time.
    Keyboard with Windows and P keys highlighted.
  2. You will be presented options on the right to cast your screen if Miracast is supported.
    Miracast Available

    If Miracast or another screen share option is available, a couple choices to project to will be displayed.