Smart Classroom – A Smart Classroom Architecture Based on IoT Technology

Based on the architecture of the Internet of Things application system, it is divided into three levels: perception layer, transmission layer, and application layer.The perception layer is deployed in each multimedia classroom, and various IoT networking technologies can be used to connect with various traditional network facilities through IoT gateways.The transport layer can utilize existing campus network facilities to transmit the perception layer data gathered by the gateway to the application server in the cloud center for processing.

The communication protocol of the wireless projection gateway can be lightweight and does not require the deployment of complex application layer processing functions, thus achieving decoupling from the backend application business logic.


Administrators can display comprehensive platform information on the large screen of the monitoring center, and teachers can query the relevant information of this class on the computer of the multimedia classroom through a client program.The smart classroom server is used to deploy the classroom management platform (application server) and device access service middleware (DAS), and to interface with the campus card information interface and scheduling system, and to interconnect and share information.Administrators or teachers can monitor the platform’s comprehensive information or query the associated information of specific classes at any time by downloading relevant apps.

  • Smart teaching

Interactive intelligent tablet: 4K ultra high definition image quality, allowing students to watch teaching content more clearly and have a good human-computer interaction experience (writing, erasing, and other teaching tools).

Wireless screen projection: enables teachers and students to quickly present the content from mobile terminals into a projection or large screen, facilitating learning and interaction.

Multi screen scheduling system: One click switching of classroom display mode – teaching mode, group discussion mode, group display mode, easy flow of teacher and student content, supporting seminar based teaching.

Intelligent recording and broadcasting system: flexibly configure multi machine recording and broadcasting to meet the demand for video resource construction such as public classes.


  • Smart applications

In traditional experimental courses, only the students in the front row can see the experimental operation process and some major changes, while the other students are busy copying experimental notes;In a smart classroom, teachers can synchronously display the experimental process on the main screen and student tablets, and each student can see subtle experimental changes;Experimental notes will also be shared with every student through video, and during the experiment, students’ thinking will always be focused on the experiment rather than the notes.