Wireless screen projection – Difference between static IP and DHCP

The main difference between static IP and DHCP is the IP address allocation method, and each has different advantages and functions.

Static IP address: fixed IP address For Internet access, you need to manually set an IP address.In this mode, when a computer connects to the network, it uses a static IP address that has been assigned, which is permanent and not released for any period of time.Static IP addresses have the advantage of better control over network traffic and can make it easier for network administrators to monitor and manage the network.

DHCP, or dynamic IP, automatically obtains an IP address.In this mode, when the computer is connected to the network, it dynamically obtains the IP address without the need to set it manually.The advantage of DHCP is that it can automatically manage and assign IP addresses, thus reducing the workload of network administrators.In addition, DHCP can reduce IP address waste, because an IP address can be assigned to different computers at different time periods.

In general, static IP and DHCP have their own characteristics and application scenarios.When network traffic needs to be carefully controlled and network management is convenient, static IP is more suitable. In the need to reduce the workload of network administrators and reduce IP address waste, DHCP is more suitable.The Bijie wireless screen supports both static IP and DHCP, which can be flexibly used according to the specific situation.