It is always a great idea to stream YouTube or Netflix videos from smartphone to Television as it is more comfortable to watch content on bigger screens. Earlier we had to use wires and different adapters to stream the content from our smartphones to Television. But today, we live in Wireless era. The Wireless technology is improving and evolving day by day allowing us to wirelessly connect our smartphone to TV.

If your TV is smart Samsung TV, you just need to download BJCast, and the BJCast has the following features

Wireless Display Protocols:

BJCast supports a variety of wireless transmission protocol AirPlay / Google Cast / DLNA / BJCast

Multiple Operating Systems:

BJCast supports iOS 6·7·8·9·10·11·12·13 / macOS / Windows XP·8·10 / Android / Linux, BiJie can be compatible with mainstream operating systems

Multiple Applications:

BJCast supports iTunes / YouTube / Safari / Chrome / Netflix / Hulu More

Encrypted transmission:

BJCast is transmitted over the network when your personal photos and videos (AirPlay) using encrypted transmission

More advantages:

Video hardware acceleration (improve the efficiency of 40% shows), high-resolution images (4K), background service mode, set personalization features such as device names.